We’re making a difference.

Since its inception, the BCSEMRF has provided over $250,000 in research funding to projects related to sport and exercise medicine.

We fund projects that meet the highest methodological standards. Each proposal is assessed by our Scientific Committee. By donating to the Foundation, you are funding clinically-relevant sport and exercise medicine research in British Columbia.

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Apply for funding

Can your research idea significantly contribute to Sport & Exercise Medicine research in British Columbia? Is your project in partnership with the Allan McGavin Sports Medicine Clinic? Get in touch with us via email so we can send you the instructions on how to apply.

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Funding recipients


Jem Arnold: Monitoring a professional soccer player with compartment syndrome using muscle oxygenation: a pilot case study

Andy Hung: Impact of traffic-related air pollution on the cardiovascular response to exercise in adults with hypertension


Assaf Yogev: Tracking changes in the NIRS-derived deoxygenation breakpoint in a team of elite female cyclists through a competitive season


Jean-Francois Esculier: Running Mechanics in Runners with and without Knee Osteoarthritis: Comparative Analysis and the Effects of Gait Retraining


Chris Napier: Sildenfal Enhances Performance at Altitude

Eric Carter: Evaluation of Treatment Factors in the Management of Chronic 1TB Syndrome

April Janine SieuNarine: The Importance of Exercise Prescription in Future Clinical Practice: A Cross-sectional study of UBC Family Practice Residents


Jen Chao: The Infrastructure of Sport and Exercise Medicine in Canada

Jen Chao: Interval Training in Breast Cancer Survivors

Justin Ting: Development of a Predictive Index for Acute Mountain Sickness

Lanne Dolan: The Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Two Types of Exercise


Eric Carter: Extravascular Lung Water

Sara Forsyth: Exercise & Platelet Concentration

Nichola Forsyth: Balance & Cognitive Function at Altitude

Navin Prasad: RCT Unloader Brace in OA + Meniscal Injury

Lindsay Sayers: Osteopathy & Recovery


Patrick Chin: Biomechanical study of coraco-clavicular ligament reconstruction for chronic AC joint injuries: A comparison of AC joint fixation techniques

Sherry Hunt: The Advanced Breast Cancer Exercise Intervention

Jane LaBreche: Tests of Bronchoprovocation in Spinal Cord Injured Athletes


Peter Rose: Aerobic Fitness Status and Post-Exercise Inflammatory Markers in 19 – 35 Year Old Males

Deanna Schick: Do Neuropsychological Variables in Relation to Concussion Vary by Sex?

Lianne Dolan: Interval Training in Breast Cancer Survivors


Alastair Hodges: Effects of respiratory muscle training on exercise performance

Michael Koehle: Respiratory effects of a single dive to 5 metres in recreational SCUBA divers

Kirstin Lane: The development of a lymphatic stress test

Nicole Miller: An investigation of the impact of a carbohydrate-protein supplement on endurance cycling

Jonathan Mills: The effect of core stabilization training on vertical jump, agility, and balance in male basketball players

Paula Shoemaker: Effects of an inspiratory muscle training program on exercise capacity, dyspnea and quality of life in chronic heart failure patients

Meena Sran: Detection of “silent” vertebral fractures with CT scan

Tanya Fuchs: Tibialis posterior tendinopathy: a retrospective analyisis and literature review (Nike)

Terri Pearce: Development of a closed kinetic chain exercise program to improve eccentric and concentric quadriceps muscle strength (Nike)

Michael Ryan: Achilles tendinopathy (Nike)

Peter Yeung: Clinical effects of the GII Express knee brace on medial compartment knee secondary OA (Nike)

Tom Wu: Gait analysis effectiveness (Nike)


Sam Brovender: The timing of activation and facilitation levels of the deep trunk musculature on stable versus unstable surfaces

Garth Hunte: Markers of accute lung injury in female athletes with exercise-induced hypoxemia

Karim Khan: The effect of “Osteofit”, a community-based exercise program, on risk factors for osteoporotic fractures.

Jenny Robinson: Achilles tendinopathy: a prospective study assessing the value of a clinical index of severity and the value of imaging modalities in predicting the outcome of achilles tendon injury

Ian Stewart: Maximal exercise capacity following lung transplantation