Jem Arnold: Monitoring a professional soccer player with compartment syndrome using muscle oxygenation: a pilot case study
Andy Hung: Impact of traffic-related air pollution on the cardiovascular response to exercise in adults with hypertension
Assaf Yogev: Tracking changes in the NIRS-derived deoxygenation breakpoint in a team of elite female cyclists through a competitive season
Jean-Francois Esculier: Running Mechanics in Runners with and without Knee Osteoarthritis: Comparative Analysis and the Effects of Gait Retraining
Chris Napier: Sildenfal Enhances Performance at Altitude
Eric Carter: Evaluation of Treatment Factors in the Management of Chronic 1TB Syndrome
April Janine SieuNarine: The Importance of Exercise Prescription in Future Clinical Practice: A Cross-sectional study of UBC Family Practice Residents
Jen Chao: The Infrastructure of Sport and Exercise Medicine in Canada
Jen Chao: Interval Training in Breast Cancer Survivors
Justin Ting: Development of a Predictive Index for Acute Mountain Sickness
Lanne Dolan: The Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Two Types of Exercise
Eric Carter: Extravascular Lung Water
Sara Forsyth: Exercise & Platelet Concentration
Nichola Forsyth: Balance & Cognitive Function at Altitude
Navin Prasad: RCT Unloader Brace in OA + Meniscal Injury
Lindsay Sayers: Osteopathy & Recovery
Patrick Chin: Biomechanical study of coraco-clavicular ligament reconstruction for chronic AC joint injuries: A comparison of AC joint fixation techniques
Sherry Hunt: The Advanced Breast Cancer Exercise Intervention
Jane LaBreche: Tests of Bronchoprovocation in Spinal Cord Injured Athletes
Peter Rose: Aerobic Fitness Status and Post-Exercise Inflammatory Markers in 19 – 35 Year Old Males
Deanna Schick: Do Neuropsychological Variables in Relation to Concussion Vary by Sex?
Lianne Dolan: Interval Training in Breast Cancer Survivors
Alastair Hodges: Effects of respiratory muscle training on exercise performance
Michael Koehle: Respiratory effects of a single dive to 5 metres in recreational SCUBA divers
Kirstin Lane: The development of a lymphatic stress test
Nicole Miller: An investigation of the impact of a carbohydrate-protein supplement on endurance cycling
Jonathan Mills: The effect of core stabilization training on vertical jump, agility, and balance in male basketball players
Paula Shoemaker: Effects of an inspiratory muscle training program on exercise capacity, dyspnea and quality of life in chronic heart failure patients
Meena Sran: Detection of “silent” vertebral fractures with CT scan
Tanya Fuchs: Tibialis posterior tendinopathy: a retrospective analyisis and literature review (Nike)
Terri Pearce: Development of a closed kinetic chain exercise program to improve eccentric and concentric quadriceps muscle strength (Nike)
Michael Ryan: Achilles tendinopathy (Nike)
Peter Yeung: Clinical effects of the GII Express knee brace on medial compartment knee secondary OA (Nike)
Tom Wu: Gait analysis effectiveness (Nike)
Sam Brovender: The timing of activation and facilitation levels of the deep trunk musculature on stable versus unstable surfaces
Garth Hunte: Markers of accute lung injury in female athletes with exercise-induced hypoxemia
Karim Khan: The effect of “Osteofit”, a community-based exercise program, on risk factors for osteoporotic fractures.
Jenny Robinson: Achilles tendinopathy: a prospective study assessing the value of a clinical index of severity and the value of imaging modalities in predicting the outcome of achilles tendon injury
Ian Stewart: Maximal exercise capacity following lung transplantation